Reason #6 To Use A Travel Advisor
The average 7 day vacation to Europe or the Caribbean has up to 15 separate bookings in it.
Accommodation (maybe 1-3 properties)
Flights (perhaps a few booked separately with different airlines (for better value and logistics)
Airport transfers to and from your home, accommodation and the airport (between 2 and 6 of these)
Travel insurance to match exactly what you booked
A few day trips or excursions with the same or different tour companies
Museum, gallery, or social attraction tickets to avoid waiting in line
Car rental
Did you know that each of these separate bookings (usually through different companies) each comes with their own rules and fine print? They can be incredibly complex to stitch together into one itinerary.
Just take a flight layover for example. Did you know that different airports around the world have “legal connection times”, a minimum amount of time required to connect two flights together?
Why on earth would you put yourself through the stress of researching and planning all of these bookings when you can rely on a professional travel advisor (like me) to do it for you for one low planning fee.
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